The globalization of trade, the widespread use of e-commerce and continuous customer pressures towards shorter lead times have created severe competition on the basis of time and cost-efficiency for contemporary enterprises and organizations. At the same time, emerging trends in the business landscape such as mass customization and postponement strategies, responsive business models (pull or make-to-order systems), innovative ICT applications, outsourcing and offshoring (and several other trends in the business landscape), pose new, challenging logistical requirements that call for well-trained logistics professionals on top of just good practitioners. Recognizing the aforementioned logistical challenges and requirements, the "Supply Chain Management" course provides a broad, horizontal training at medium level of detail/depth that is targeted to both students/graduates with relevant background studies and professionals with small empirical experience in the field.
The course has been designed in collaboration with the Hellenic Logistics Association and covers modern issues and topics related to the planning, design and operation of contemporary supply chains of companies and organizations. A balanced mixture of qualitative (mostly) but also quantitative aspects, theoretical/background knowledge and practical skills are developed within the framework of the various thematic units of the course.
Course participants will be able to build real-world competences in order to apply for jobs in “product-oriented” industrial companies, Logistics Service Providers (3PL/4PL), consulting companies in logistics and SCM, shipping companies, or SCM-related companies in the service sector (e.g., ports/airports, emergency response, public transport, health, banks).
Once the participant completes all the course units successfully, he/she receives a training certificate. Please note that you can choose, either having personal educational support during the course, or receive the required help from the educational forum you’ll have access to. Each choice comes with a different cost for the applicant. After successfully completing the lessons, the participant will receive a training certificate.
The programme covers issues related to the planning, design and operations of supply chains of companies and organizations, in collaboration with EEL (Greek Logistics Society). The programme is offered in two versions:
1) with personal educational support and total cost 800 €. In that case, elearners receive full academic support from their personal tutor, share any concerns or anxieties related to the programme and receive relevant academic material.
2) with community educational support and total cost 400 €. In that case, elearners can pose their questions/ queries in the customized blog for the course. All queries will receive feedback from our academic team.